Our Rector, Rev’d Cannon Andrea Jones Attends Porvoo Eucharist Conference
Beetle Drive & Hot Dogs FamilySocial Evening Saturday 17th June 2023
Coach trip to Worcester Cathedral Wednesday 24th May
Coach trip left Hawarden (Tinkersdale carpark) at 9.30am, returned at about 8.30pm.
The trip included coach fare, some free time in Worcester, a Pilgrimage Tour of the Cathedral (historical tour plus short service) and a cream tea. Cost: £32.00 per person
Commemorative photo of their Royal Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla
Sunday 7th May: a special Eucharist at 10.00am to celebrate the King’s Coronation followed by tea and cake in the Tithe Barn. Also, at 3.30pm there will be a service of Choral Evensong at St Asaph Cathedral to mark the occasion. All welcome.
Coronation Message from Rev’d Cannon Andrea Jones
The Coronation of Charles III on 6th May 2023 was a special moment in history for our four nations. The ceremony is rooted in a tradition that can be traced back to 973 and the coronation of King Edgar by St Dunstan. At its heart, the service is a religious ceremony and the service concludes with a celebration of the Eucharist. The service will also include the anointing of the monarch with holy oil on his head, chest and hands. The act of anointing with its biblical origins in the anointing of the Old Testament kings is sacred moment almost akin to the ordination of a priest or bishop and of course so sacred that it is not filmed by the TV cameras.
The religious aspects of the Coronation service are intended to emphasise the monarch’s role as a servant of God, a representative of the Christian faith and the King’s duty to serve his people.
Let us pray:
Almighty and everlasting God, we are taught by thy holy Word that the hearts of kings are in thy rule and governance, and that thou dost dispose and turn them as it seemeth best to thy godly wisdom:
we humbly beseech thee so to dispose and govern the heart of Charles thy Servant, our King and Governor,
that, in all his thoughts, words, and works,
he may ever seek thy honour and glory,
and study to preserve thy people committed to his charge, in wealth, peace, and godliness: grant this, O merciful Father; for thy dear Son’s sake, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
St Deiniol’s Coronation Celebration, Sunday 7th May 2023
Our famous ‘egg-travaganza’ is back! Sunday 2nd April
Scores of families from across our communities came to do ‘battle’ to see how far their brightly coloured eggs would roll. The winner was awarded a small prize: it was great to see so many competitors: both children and their families having fun.
Palm Sunday Parade through the Village of Hawarden
Palm Sunday saw a unique parade in the village. The Rector of St Deiniol’s, Canon Andrea Jones, accompanied by the Clergy, Wardens, Choir and some members of the congregation formed a parade. This splendid act of public Christian celebration started at Hawarden Castle Gates through the village to a special Palm Sunday service at St Deiniol’s Church
Violin Concert in our Church Sunday 5th March 2023 3.00pm
Special Recognition for Gareth Jones
At our Sunday service on the 25th July on behalf of the Bishop of St Asaph, Canon Andy presented Gareth Jones with a special certificate in recognition of his work and dedication to both the church of St Deiniol and also to the wider Borderlands Mission Area where he has been Warden since its inception.
Canon Andy described Gareth as a real rock in our church family and outlined the long list of all that Gareth does although she did point out that this list was not exhaustive. She spoke of his work as a former warden of this church, of his work on the Finance and Building Committees, his contribution to keeping our churchyard safe and his help in re-opening our church after Covid. Gareth is also a man of faith, keen to deepen his discipleship through Bible Study and prayer.
Gareth is also a bellringer and governor at Hawarden Village Church School.
Of course Gareth could not do any of this without the support of his wife Barbara who was presented with flowers and in his words of acceptance Gareth referred to her patience and support.
A big thank you to both Gareth and Barbara. Rev’d Canon Andrea Jones
Presentation on the 5th Anniversary of Rev’d Canon Andrea Jones’s Service at St Deiniol’s
Revd Andy totally surprised by flowers, fizz and a beautiful card. It’s the fifth anniversary of her coming to St Deiniol’s. “Five of the happiest years of my life” she says.
St Deiniol’s Annual Wine Walk 15th July 2022
Another great evening arranged by the Social Committee. The garden hosts were amazing; their generous hospitality knowing no bounds. Grateful thanks to all who took part, those who donated raffle prizes and especially to those who hosted us all in their gardens.
Ramble Around Deganwy Castle and Conwy 9th July 2022
Glorious sunny weather accompanied our walk arranged by St Deiniol’s Walkers. Magnificent views were the reward awaiting us at Henry III 13th Century Castle ruins at the summit of our expedition. Following our exertions, we enjoyed a leisurely walk along the banks of the River Conwy, ending at the picturesque Conwy harbour. Another great day out with good company.
Church Outing Cruising Along Manchester Ship Canal 1st July 2022.
The Mersey Ferries Manchester Ship Canal Cruise. A most interesting cruise and day out, which was well organised by Erica and the St Deiniol’s Social Committee. Kate Lee coordinated the arrangements on the day to enable 43 of us to go on the cruise and then return home safely after an excellent day!! There have been St Deiniol’s Church outings in the past on narrow canal boats but I can’t recall one where deep sea going merchant vessels were navigating the same waters as the cruise we were on and indeed we all had to complete boarding passes before sailing. There was a mandatory requirement for a specialist pilot to accompany the captain on the bridge of our ship, the Mersey Ferry ‘Snowdrop’ to navigate the canal as we entered the locks at Eastham from the river Mersey. We all boarded the Ferry Boat ‘Snowdrop’ at the Birkenhead Woodside terminal along with other cruise passengers and then made its way across the to Pier Head at Liverpool to pick up other passengers. The hull of the Mersey Ferry Snowdrop, is partly painted in a black and white anti dazzle / camouflage pattern to commemorate those merchant ships and warships which sailed to and from Liverpool during the Battle of the Atlantic, in addition to other oceans of the world during WW II. The water-front views at Liverpool are impressive especially when sailing along the Mersey with the Liver Building and the iconic outline of the Anglican Cathedral overlooking the river, distinctively visible for miles around. We were followed into the locks at Eastham to access the Ship Canal, by a sea going dredger named DEO GLORIA (Glory to God ); in many ways this was so applicable to the trip. The cruise covered the stretch of the canal as far as Weston Point, Runcorn where the ‘Snowdrop’ turned for the return journey, opposite the now long since closed Christ Church, which became isolated from the mainland and hence public access, following in the development of the Manchester Ship Canal. In journeying along the canal an appreciation of the delicate but well managed balance between the large industrial operations along banks on the inland side and the natural habitats for wild fowl and various sea birds associated with the open areas on the Mersey Estuary side. It was certainly a day out to take in the wonder and the history of the construction of the canal and the importance of the provision of waterway transport to support the development of commerce and industry in this part of North West England. With the views of the Anglican Cathedral and the top of the RC Cathedral as we cruised by and also the many visible church spires on both the Liverpool and Birkenhead/Wallasey sides, it was a fitting reminder of the Glory of God and the spirit that inspired all involved with their construction and indeed that of the Manchester Ship Canal in it’s entirety. Even the long since closed, but still standing Christ Church on the banks of the canal gave a presence significant to those past generations who worshipped there. DEO GLORIA ( Glory to God) was evident all around us from the Cathedrals to the protected nature areas, the industrial expanses and of course the name on the vessel which followed us along the canal. Gareth Jones
Rev’d Andrea is installed as Rev’d Canon Andrea Jones
We are all at St Deiniol’s Church extremely delighted to congratulate Rev’d Andrea who has been installed as a Prebendal Canon at St Asaph Cathedral. A number of our congregation were honoured to be at the Cathedral for the service of Choral Evensong on Sunday 14th May ’22. A celebration buffet was then held in our church hall which was attended by many who helped to raise a glass or two to wish her well with her new position.
Now the Flower Festival at StDeiniol’s is over, we can present a full set of photos. A huge thank you to everyone involved – so many volunteers to give heartfelt thanks to: arrangers, goafers, meet and greet, stewards, those who served refreshments, cake makers, sound technicians, arrangement watering, furniture moving, opening up of the Church and the Tithe Barn, supporters, visitors, plus the dismantling team who helped tidy up! Thanks to Hawarden Rotary for sponsoring the first night with a cheese and wine event & the Buckley Singers for performing at the closing event. Particular thanks must go to all students representing Hawarden Village Church School, Ewloe Green Primary School, Hawarden High School, Penarlag CP School and Sandycroft CP School, who gave excellent performances (under the guidance of their teachers). Grateful thanks to Janet Sampson who tutored the willow workshop & Jan McTear who served delicious special afternoon teas. Finally, we so much appreciated the generosity of sponsors, donors & advertisers. Grateful thanks to all the Clergy and the Church Wardens for their support. By working together, we achieved so much and gave so much joy with Fun, Friendship & Flowers!
Kate and I are sure there will be everlasting memories from the festival that gave joy and pleasure to so many people and all the monies raised (over £5000 and counting!) are in aid of the Whitley Chancel Community Fund which means that a legacy has been left for future generations. Thank you to everyone involved in whatever way! (If you would like to add a donation to the Whitley Chancel Community Fund, please used the QR code below. Thank you). Beryl Cotton & Kate Lee
Egg Rolling at St Deiniol’s
Coffee Morning 12th February 2022
Raising funds for a community defibrillator to be sited near St Bartholomew’s Church, Sealand. It was delightful to welcome so many new visitors to St.Deiniol’s coffee morning. The event raised the magnificent sum of £500.03. Thanks to all concerned.
Hawarden Christmas Social
Coffee Morning Wednesday, 21st July 2021: to raise funds for the church. It was our first ‘event’ for 17 months and we were very lucky as the sun shone for us and we were able to sit in the grounds of Gladstone’s library (with their permission!) It was lovely to see so many familiar faces as well as new ones too. The cake stall and the fresh produce stall both did well, as did the raffle.
Garden Walk Event: Saturday 11th September 2021
Raising funds for the Church. We were fortunate the rain held off for our afternoon garden walk. Over 40 members and guests split into teams to walk along the Highway at Hawarden to visit some beautiful gardens; enjoying canapés and drinks along the way. We all ended up at a final garden to celebrate the beauty of nature, foliage and flowers admired during our afternoon. A private raffle was held to swell the funds raised to over £500. Another great event organised by the Social Team; thank you to the members who hosted us in their gardens and to all who supported this celebration.
Many thanks to all who contributed to the event. We raised the grand total of £338.30 and also raised people’s spirits, talking face to face once again. It was great to be all working together – looking forward to the future.
Erica Ruddall Social Team Leader