There are many happy times you can share as part of our Congregation. Weddings, christenings and interactions with our young people enrich our church life; these are particularly special…

Most of our activities and services have resumed and been expanded to include our recent procession through the Village on Palm Sunday. Please check the front-page news on this website or the St Deiniol’s Facebook pages for up to date information on services and Church activities.
Appointments can be made to book baptisms and weddings via the church office on 01244 534912 or email hawardenbenefice@gmail.com

Thank you to all who donated towards Our New Votive Candle Stand & to Poplars Forge for designing and making it.
Group tours of the church can be arranged via the Church Office on: 01244 534912. The Tithe Barn can be hired for events, parties and meetings.
We welcome babies and children to our church. There is a children’s corner: ‘Messy Church’ with toys and books at the back of the church.

Some volunteers from our congregation serve on the Buildings and Grounds Committee. Here are members carrying our their annual inspection of gravestones to ensure the safety of everyone.