Christmas is a very special time at our Church. Come and join us at some of our festive gatherings:
Christmas Tree Festival Extravaganza December 2022

Our Christmas Extravaganza on Saturday was a fabulous day, organised in partnership with Hawarden Rotary. So much work had been put into the event. Led by Rotarian Mark Rogers and Churchwarden Rotarian Jan McTear, the Rotary team did an amazing job. The tea stall ran by St Deiniols Social Comittee was busy. The Marquee with LIVE music and a Gin bar was very popular.
Business was brisk at the artisan market inside St Deiniols Church and I’m not sure Santa even had time for a mince pie! Everyone looked to be having a good time.
Thank you all for coming along and supporting our Community Event.

Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols 18th December 2022

Our Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols was on Sunday 18 December at 10.00 am. A slightly different time this year to accommodate football fans!
Christmas Tree Festival 2021: ‘The Light Shining in the Darkness’

St. Deiniol’s held a Christmas Tree Festival in December 2021.
In Wales it is the tradition of bringing trees into our homes at Christmas that is widely attributed to Prince Albert, the Consort of Queen Victoria who brought the custom from his homeland Germany. However, it is Germany which is credited with starting the tradition, back in the 16th Century when devout Christians brought decorated trees into their homes.
The theme for the festival in 2021 was “The light shining in the darkness”. Jesus is the light of the World.
Local organisations, groups and businesses took part in the Festival by decorating a tree. The Church looked stunning.
Thank you for visiting the Christmas Tree Festival and for your kind donations.
On the Nativity Trail

During December some familiar figures from the Christmas story will be appearing in windows of businesses throughout the village. Why not see if you can spot them all? Pick up a leaflet from the church porch and tick off those you can find. If you find them all post your form through our Tithe Barn door (the black door facing Church Lane). We’ll be drawing out three lucky winners from all the entries we receive and they will receive a Christmas treat.
Jesus Rocks

Remember the little baby Jesus rocks that were left all over the village last year? This year some more characters from the Christmas story will be appearing. There will be shepherds, the odd sheep, Mary and Joseph and images of the angels who visited the shepherd.
Do look out for them and if you find one please take them home and show us where you have made a home for them with baby Jesus. You can upload a photo to our Facebook page – St Deiniol’s Church in Wales, Hawarden (please remember we don’t need to have your face on the photo).
Last year we were overwhelmed by photos you sent us of the homes you made for our baby Jesus rocks. Christmas is all about Jesus coming to earth as a human being and about us welcoming him into our lives. We can also identify with the other characters in the story as we think about how they came to know Jesus and how they understood how special this new baby was and how their lives were changed and our lives too can be changed by knowing Jesus. Good luck with your search!