Service of Evening prayer & Licensing of Rev’d Andrea Jones

On Friday 3rd December, a Service of Evening Prayer and Licensing was held for Rev’d Andrea Jones as the new Borderlands Mission Leader. The service was lead by the Venerable John Lomas, Archdeacon of Wrexham. It was attended by many from the Congregations of St Deiniol’s, other churches in the Area and Officers of the Borderlands Mission Area.
Following Canon Martin Batchelor’s move to the Mold Mission Area, Bishop Gregory invited Revd Andrea to become Mission Area Leader. This role involves helping the Shared Ministry team (Clergy, Readers and Worship Leaders) to work collaboratively across the Mission Area and to assist where there are vacancies and processing new appointments to our Mission Area. The Mission Area Leader also plays a pivotal role in ensuring our Mission Area and the Mission Area Conference works effectively.
Revd Andrea said, “I am very honoured to take on this new role and that the Bishop has confidence in me. I know it is a big task – the full person specification is a long one and our Mission Area; Borderlands; is a very large one with currently 19 churches. However, we are a great team across Borderlands and I know I can rely on the support of colleagues. We must never lose sight of what we are here to do – to grow deeper in our faith and to draw others to the message of hope that Jesus brings”. We wish Andrea well in her new Role.
Gareth Jones
Joan and Don Bartholomew

Today we gave thanks for Joan and Don Bartholomew who are moving out of the village to be nearer family. Their tireless
work in promoting our church and reflecting on our past history through the Tourism Committee has been immense. We pledge to continue theirwork and build on their legacy
Buildings and Grounds Committee: Annual Gravestones Inspection

The annual safety inspection on all the gravestones and memorials within St. Deiniol’s Churchyard was completed recently by members of the Buildings and Grounds Committee assisted by volunteers. The safety inspection involves checking the integrity and stability of all the grave memorials and headstone within the churchyard which covers an area of 3.3 acres. Unfortunately there have been some of the old heavy sandstone headstones which have had to be laid flat as they posed serious risk of toppling over with the lightest of touch or disturbance. In each situation the exercise was carried out reverently and respectfully. Guidance for such inspections is taken from the Church in Wales website. In some areas of the churchyard there are gravestones which are leaning but have been checked and are still stable and secure. The churchyard is extensive with a vast number of headstones and memorials many of which are now ancient. The oldest part is that which immediately surrounds the church. There were two extension or additions to the area, one on the North West side in the 1840s and then the North extension in 1912 which has it s boundary with Crosstree Lane.
Gareth Jones: Buildings and Grounds Committee